Essay Archive - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the three hunts of Bercilak were
similar to the three seductions of Gawain. Bercilak and Gawain made a bargain
at the castle. Bercilak said “Whatever I earn in the woods will be yours,
whatever you win will be mine in exchange.” (Gawain 81) The Green Knight tells
Gawain that he was sent by Morgana Le Fay because she wanted to test Gawain's
pride and “determine the truth of the Round Table's fame, and the tales that
tell of it.” (Gawain 123)
During Bercilak's first hunt, they hunted deer. The hunters were on one
side with the peasants and dogs on the other, surr....